I'm seeking prayer for my younger brother who is in his late 20s. He is in a difficult season and desperately needs to know he is divinely loved. He is struggling to find peace in this life.
TOB Evg George Day
3 years ago
Please, Yeshua Adonai, may my mother, Angela, have a true and genuine encounter with you. Meet her and heal her as you did the woman at the well of Samaria. In your mighty name, Amen!
TOB Evg George Day
3 years ago
Please, Jesus, remember Mauro who bears your name as his middle name. He has stage 4 cancer. Heal him if this brings glory to you, that he may encounter you in this trial. But most importantly, give him your peace of salvation.
TO Evg George Day
3 years ago
I pray for Akua's peace of mind and guidance from the Holy Spirit to a good outcome in her time of trial. Jesus, guide her steps and surround her through positive people, both at work and in her family. Break through the hearts and mold them.
TOB Evg George Day
3 years ago
Jesus, I thank you for the way you have been shining your light over Leslie. As she embarks into a new season, I ask you to bless every fiber of her body and help her go through the trial of physical illness with your character and strength. Give her positive thinking so that, in everything she has to endure, she may only bring comfort to others in her same situation, thus glorifying you and the Father through her Spirit-filled witness. In your time, Jesus, and according to your plan over her, bring healing by the power of the blood you shed for her and by the authority of your name! Amen!
Rev George Day
3 years ago
We pray for the success of the Courage/EnCourage 2022 Annual Conference.
Ken Ebacher
3 years ago
Pray for me, my job situation and my job search for work related to my degrees please!
Rev George Day
3 years ago
Jesus please heal my friend's daughter who's been on lung treatment after getting Covid a year ago. She seems to have gotten worse. We trust you're in control.
3 years ago
Heavenly gracious father we honestly need to remember that you are with us at all times during everything and to feel your continued loving embrace around us. Please send a sign wether by phone call, text, that our daughter and her family arrive safely to the airport in St Louis and the airplane ride goes smoothly to their new destination. Thank you so much for the wonderful blessing from my husband sister that she gave him a car!!! We are in need of a reprieve so we may lay our beloved furbaby to rest so he doesn't have to continue to suffer any longer..
The fan went out on our refrigerator over an hour ago. Our bank account is in the negative by 8$. And if it isn't put in they will add 30$ over draft fee.
I know you are there with us in each storm father,
Rev George Day
3 years ago
We pray for Confidence as she battles with cancer. Jesus, you are the Divine Physician. We trust it is your will to take care of our sister Confidence. Please bring peace and life. In your mighty name we pray.
Rev. Stefan
3 years ago
I'm recovering from exploritory surgery. They took some samples and I'm waiting on results. Please pray for healing and recovery. Depending on the tests I could be going back soon. Thank you.
3 years ago
Pray that the Holy Spirit can help me to accept some decision take and to guide me according His will.
James Flinchbaugh
3 years ago
Restoration of driving privileges and reparation for time and money lost after abusive stay at locked state facility over 10 years ago.
Pastor George Day
3 years ago
Please pray for Real Life Catholic and our upcoming schedule:
• Filming a new series called Fearless (with Fr. Dave Pivonka)
• All of our upcoming fall 'Reboot' parish engagements
• The launch of our new podcast: Blood, Sweat, and Joy (Oct. 4th)
• Our fall fundraising appeal
Pastor George Day
2 years ago
For the eternal salvation of my mother, Angela, and my entire family. May they encounter Jesus and find healing, deliverance and peace.
Pastor George Day
2 years ago
I ask the conversion of heart and salvation of my mother, Angela, my sister, Francesca, and my friend, Derrick.
Pastor George Day
2 years ago
Misty Jr, my cat in Mostar, has been missing for three days. Please pray she's safe and finding her way back.
Rev George Day
2 years ago
For Douglas' emotional healing and healing of memories, may he be able to let go of the hurt Christians have done to him and reconcile with God.
Rev George Day
2 years ago
Jesus, look after my baby cat Misty who has now gone missing for nearly four months, and sorry for keeping her safe.
Rev George Day
2 years ago
Jesus, manifest yourself to my mother and in my family. May your blood cleanse them of their iniquities.
Rev George Day
2 years ago
The Evangelism Task Force (trained by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda) is going into the heart of the earthquake disaster zone in Southern Turkey to serve and share the gospel in the Middle East! They will be working with local believers and small bodies of Christians to disciple and care for new believers.
Please pray for our team - they will literally be risking their lives on this mission.
Child of GOD
2 years ago
My faith is being tested. I’m so weary. But I will continue to trust in God. I get put down and harassed by fellow christians for sharing my testimony. I only share for prayers and encouragement. Please pray for me. Since covid I fell on a terrible hardship, like many others. I lost my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my health conditions. I suffer from lupus, and heart disease. I’m now waitressing but not making nearly enough to get by. I’m a single mom, my husband is with God. My children are autistic and non verbal, I’m overwhelmed because they demand so much from me. I recently started homeschooling them because they were having so many issues in school. I’m tired of struggling every month. I’m striving to afford the tools I need to homeschool my children but I’m falling short. But I trust in you Jesus even as I struggle providing groceries for my family I’m ashamed. I feel like a failure. Jesus hear my prayers. Prayers are all I need. Thank you Lord! I know you will provide! Faith over fear!
Rev George
2 years ago
We pray for Tina and Vera, for healing from cancer as they are undergoing chemo.
Melissa C
2 years ago
Please be covering my niece in prayer. Her ex-boyfriend took his life a few days ago. He called her right before he did it. She has been receiving texts telling her that she should be ashamed of herself for killing him, and she is taking that on thinking that if she had been a better girlfriend it wouldn't have happened. She is 16 he was 18
Susanne C
2 years ago
July 18-procedure to harvest serum t cells-4 to 6 weeks to re-engineer t cells-when done infusion of new t cells requiring hospitalization-possibly a couple weeks of adverse side effects-then a return to health for an enduring remission
Roderick David Pace
2 years ago
Pray for my finances and healing n my body. Thanks
Mary Wyrick
a year ago
I'm asking for prayer for myself. I find myself twisted up in a mess because I did what the Lord requires us to do and to tell the truth about wrong doings. Elderly abuse and financial crimes.
I did just that. And because I did the right thing I am being evicted from my apartment and will be homeless in 6 days.
I am asking the Lord for open doors and four financial provisions to take care of me and my dog Nyla.
Jasmin Assad
a year ago
Witchcraft deliverence I'm heavily attacked by Witchcraft
Rev George Day
10 months ago
We pray for the protection of all innocent people living in Israel, regardless of their ethnicity or faith.
We pray that the Israeli leadership is graced with wisdom and courage to respond well rather than react foolishly.
We pray that the U.S. government supports wise decisions that serve for peace and Israel’s good rather than pressuring Israel to cave into global political interests.
Rev George Day
10 months ago
As we prepare to move into our new home, join us in prayer for the needs before us.
With a bigger space comes a greater need for servant leaders to help us fully occupy our new God-given territory. Pray for wisdom on how to share His love with our new neighbors.
Pray for the permit required to properly install the internet. This is crucial to export the prayer room globally.
Ask God for the name of someone that you can invite to partner with us.
Join us in giving thanks for all of the permits we have received so far!
Pray for partnerships with existing ministries in the area to continue building the Kingdom of God in South Dallas.
Rev George Day
10 months ago
The upcoming monthly intentions are as follows:
January: For a greater trust in God's plan
February: For a greater purity of heart
March: For the conversion of humanity
April: For a greater trust in God’s mercy
May: To grow in our love for Mary
Rev George Day
9 months ago
Monthly Prayer Intentions for Courage and EnCourage
The upcoming monthly intentions are as follows:
June: For our Courage and EnCourage chaplains
July: To deepen the gift of friendship
Rev George Day
9 months ago
Jerry, who is a family member of our ministry staff - RIGHT NOW is being put into an induced coma at 11am EST.
His family has all been called in "to say good-bye to him" - but we are standing in prayer that he will NOT die, and that God will supernaturally clean out all of the fluids in his lungs, heal his pancreas, and gallbladder and other organs that are being affected.
Suddenly 10 hours ago, Jerry had a terrible pain in his stomach, and it seems that once the doctors started treating him, it caused other problems.
TOB Synagogue, Please command healing in the name of Yeshua that his lungs, pancreas, gallbladder and every organ will be healed in the name of the Father (YHVH), the Messiah (Yeshua) and by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) and for God to send his Healing Angels - that we will see God's mighty hand at work.
Thank you.
6 months ago
Thank you! It means the world to me that your prayers are with me! I’ll be praying for you as well! We all could use prayer in something in our lives. I have a prodigal son out there who needs prayers, too! I’m heartbroken for him, and as a mom, I can only say so much. He’s a grown man. Please have a very beautiful, blessed day today!️
Rev George Day
5 months ago
We have introduced a new opportunity for our members to be united in prayer this year. We invite you to pray each month for a specific intention related to our apostolate. We encourage you to consider praying for these intentions at your local Courage and EnCourage chapter meetings.
The upcoming monthly intentions are as follows:
August: For our EnCourage members
September: For our Courage members
October: That we may be faithful witnesses of the Gospel
Rev George Day
5 months ago
I ask for conversion, blessings, salvation, and peace of mind for my mother and the Fiori family.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Give Marjiana blessings, prosperity in her Duga business, and your understanding.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
I ask that Anna and Wainer may have a deep encounter with you along their path in life and please sanctify their union.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Give Derrick wisdom and bless Misty with your care.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Grant healing of body and mind to Francesca. May she come to experience your love for her and may she find salvation.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Grant Lucio the desire of his heart and save the baby.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Grant Seamus and Michael et al to find direction and wisdom in their path to integrity and chastity.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Convert and grant salvation to the members of Spectra. Make yourself found to them who seek you there.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
May Julie find wisdom and peace of mind.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
Give Marjiana peace, wisdom, and prosperity.
Rev George Day
5 months ago
What may very well be the most well-known Bible verse begins with this phrase, "For God so love THE WORLD..." (John 3:16). This claim of God's expansive and inclusive love is a source of hope and comfort. Every living soul is an expression of our heavenly Father's creative power and intention.
With this in mind, I invite you to join me today in praying that the Arab nations would come to realize that they have inheritance and a future through the God of Israel and His chosen King—Messiah Yeshua! Let's echo the cry of our father (by faith) Abraham: “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!” (Genesis 17:18 NKJV).
Rev George Day
4 months ago
I pray for guidance for Elisa as she navigates through this season of singleness in her life, leading her to the true knowledge of You.
Rev George Day
4 months ago
Assist James and Paige in salvaging their marriage and in getting to know You, Jesus.
Rev George Day
4 months ago
Give Brian peace of mind and an encounter with you.
3 months ago
My friend Carolyn:
Please keep my nephew in prayer. Caleb age ten. Has a blood clot in his lung 😞
Rev George Day
3 months ago
Marjiana is recovering from spine surgery, very painful. We pray for speedy recovery.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
Filming is often portrayed as downright glamorous, but trust us: it is
work. Pray for the energy and focus that’s needed for everyone to put
in their best effort on the daily. Ask for the kind of health that’s needed
for long days — and the kind of safety that’s needed for difficult (even
dangerous) scenes. Seek wisdom, creativity, and problem-solving skills
on behalf of everyone who’s behind every scene being filmed. And don’t
forget about all the work that’s needed when a full season’s been shot!
Pray for everyone who works tirelessly to polish each episode for release,
from our film editors to those gifted at sound engineering and editing to
the musicians who make each scene quite literally sing.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
Filming isn’t just work; it’s expensive work. Pray that God would move
in such a way that people all over the world would be inspired to keep
doing what they’ve done since the earliest days of The Chosen: bring what
‘loaves and fish’ they have, so that each new Season can be brought to
life. Ask God to provide rich wisdom for above-reproach stewardship of
all the gifts that come our way.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
In John 14:6, Jesus tells us, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one
comes to the Father except through me.” Pray that through a good and
beautiful production of this series, people might be pointed to the one
through whom they can draw near to the Father.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
Take a moment to give thanks for the heavy-but-holy work of each of
our translators. Pray that they might continue to sense and even experience God’s presence as they work, that they might be emboldened and
encouraged to continue. And because many of the men and women
who are translating The Chosen are working in difficult, even dangerous
conditions — because some of them face persecution or the threat of
imprisonment simply for being involved — ask God to provide physical
and spiritual protection for them, for their families, and for the communities in which they live and serve.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
Remember: translation is more than just ‘swapping out’ a handful of
English words for those that are Hindi or Malagasy. It’s about conveying
the message in a way that connects with different cultures and diverse
hearts. Ask God to provide wisdom, creativity, and spiritual insight for
each of our translators as they ensure every scene in each episode of
The Chosen speaks the truth clearly and cogently.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
In Romans 10:14, Paul writes, “How can they believe in the one of whom
they have not heard?” Spend some time to thank God that more are
hearing about the One who saves. Thank him that at the point of our
writing this, over 50 language communities are already hearing the story
of Jesus as it’s being told through The Chosen — a world-wide record for
the translation of media entertainment — and that in the wake of their
hearing, many are believing.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
For The Chosen to make its way into every corner of the world, there has
to be several open doors — which are almost always the result of open
minds. Pray that the minds of the political and cultural gatekeepers of
the world might be opened to the base benefits of allowing in a media
project marked by goodness. And to aid in the opening of minds, ask
God to help international church communities identify ways they can be
“salt of the earth” to catch the eye of the gatekeepers.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
At the time of our writing this, we’ve established local licensing partnerships with 50,000 churches who want to use The Chosen in their
evangelistic and discipleship efforts. Through our partnership with Cru,
hundreds of college campuses have hosted Chosen watch parties. And
we’ve not even gotten to the hundreds of thousands of people impacted
through our partnerships with Prison Fellowship International, The Bible
Project, and YouVersion. Pray that God might move to establish even
more partnerships, because it means even more people are experiencing
the story of Jesus.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
Ecclesiastes 4:9 reminds us that “two are better than one, because they
have a good return for their labor.” Thank God for the partnerships that
have made Come and See “two,” rather than just “one.” And go on and
thank him in anticipation of even more duos that will expand the reach
of this series, allowing it to change hearts across the globe.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
Every episode is an opportunity for someone to encounter Jesus in a
new way. Pray for the hearts and minds of every viewer to be open, from
the opening credits to the end. Ask that they wouldn’t just be entertained,
but that they would come face-to-face with the loving truth of what God
has done, is doing, and will do through Jesus. Seek God’s power to knock
down walls of fear, unbelief, and hard-heartedness, allowing room for
faith to rise up.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
We not only want faith to rise up in viewers, but faithfulness, too — for
people to start to follow Jesus and his way and to continue in their
following. Pray that the resources we are producing with partners like
Cru, The Bible Project, and YouVersion, will help people continue to grow
as disciples long after the last credit rolls, deepening their understanding
of Jesus’s life and mission.
The Chosen Insiders
2 months ago
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God.” That’s from 1 John 3:1 — and that’s exactly what we
hope people come and see through The Chosen. Because if they do, it
can transform them from the inside out. Take a moment to simply pray,
“God, may all come and see through the story of Jesus as it’s being told
through The Chosen that this is the height and depth of your love: that
they are your children.”
Dr. LM Stefanik
2 months ago
I want to share. 2024, was an extremely hard year, filled with many medical issues for me. Seems 2025, may be a challenge as well. The strain of the year brought me closer to God and closer to others who needed me. I am asking our Heavenly Father to guide me on His path for me. Please give our Pastor George, the strength he needs this year. I personally ask to bless him for all the kindness he has shown to me and others in our ministry. Thank You Heavenly Father for loving us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Kathie S
2 months ago
Please God get me through this illness and restore my health. Please let me sleep at night. Please look after the people concerned about me. Thank You. Amen.
Rev. Stefan
2 months ago
I have a pastor who's a friend of mine. He is having open heart surgery tomorrow. Please keep him in prayer.
Rev George Day
7 days ago
Please let us pray. Urgent prayer request. “Pray for the Church in India. Last night they burned 20 churches. And tonight they want to destroy over 200 churches in "Olisabang Province". They want to kill 200 missionaries in the next 24 hours. All the Christians are hiding in the villages.. .. Pray for them and send this message to all the Christians you know in the world Ask God to have mercy on our brothers and sisters in India "When you receive this message, please send it urgently to others. . We pray for the 22 Christian missionary families sentenced to death by Islamists in Afghanistan. Please PASS as soon as possible so that many may join in the prayer!!!
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Thank you for this space .
I'm seeking prayer for my younger brother who is in his late 20s. He is in a difficult season and desperately needs to know he is divinely loved. He is struggling to find peace in this life.
Please, Yeshua Adonai, may my mother, Angela, have a true and genuine encounter with you. Meet her and heal her as you did the woman at the well of Samaria. In your mighty name, Amen!
Please, Jesus, remember Mauro who bears your name as his middle name. He has stage 4 cancer. Heal him if this brings glory to you, that he may encounter you in this trial. But most importantly, give him your peace of salvation.
I pray for Akua's peace of mind and guidance from the Holy Spirit to a good outcome in her time of trial. Jesus, guide her steps and surround her through positive people, both at work and in her family. Break through the hearts and mold them.
Jesus, I thank you for the way you have been shining your light over Leslie. As she embarks into a new season, I ask you to bless every fiber of her body and help her go through the trial of physical illness with your character and strength. Give her positive thinking so that, in everything she has to endure, she may only bring comfort to others in her same situation, thus glorifying you and the Father through her Spirit-filled witness. In your time, Jesus, and according to your plan over her, bring healing by the power of the blood you shed for her and by the authority of your name! Amen!
We pray for the success of the Courage/EnCourage 2022 Annual Conference.
Pray for me, my job situation and my job search for work related to my degrees please!
Jesus please heal my friend's daughter who's been on lung treatment after getting Covid a year ago. She seems to have gotten worse. We trust you're in control.
Heavenly gracious father we honestly need to remember that you are with us at all times during everything and to feel your continued loving embrace around us. Please send a sign wether by phone call, text, that our daughter and her family arrive safely to the airport in St Louis and the airplane ride goes smoothly to their new destination. Thank you so much for the wonderful blessing from my husband sister that she gave him a car!!! We are in need of a reprieve so we may lay our beloved furbaby to rest so he doesn't have to continue to suffer any longer..
The fan went out on our refrigerator over an hour ago. Our bank account is in the negative by 8$. And if it isn't put in they will add 30$ over draft fee.
I know you are there with us in each storm father,
We pray for Confidence as she battles with cancer. Jesus, you are the Divine Physician. We trust it is your will to take care of our sister Confidence. Please bring peace and life. In your mighty name we pray.
I'm recovering from exploritory surgery. They took some samples and I'm waiting on results. Please pray for healing and recovery. Depending on the tests I could be going back soon. Thank you.
Pray that the Holy Spirit can help me to accept some decision take and to guide me according His will.
Restoration of driving privileges and reparation for time and money lost after abusive stay at locked state facility over 10 years ago.
Please pray for Real Life Catholic and our upcoming schedule:
• Filming a new series called Fearless (with Fr. Dave Pivonka)
• All of our upcoming fall 'Reboot' parish engagements
• The launch of our new podcast: Blood, Sweat, and Joy (Oct. 4th)
• Our fall fundraising appeal
For the eternal salvation of my mother, Angela, and my entire family. May they encounter Jesus and find healing, deliverance and peace.
I ask the conversion of heart and salvation of my mother, Angela, my sister, Francesca, and my friend, Derrick.
Misty Jr, my cat in Mostar, has been missing for three days. Please pray she's safe and finding her way back.
For Douglas' emotional healing and healing of memories, may he be able to let go of the hurt Christians have done to him and reconcile with God.
Jesus, look after my baby cat Misty who has now gone missing for nearly four months, and sorry for keeping her safe.
Jesus, manifest yourself to my mother and in my family. May your blood cleanse them of their iniquities.
The Evangelism Task Force (trained by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda) is going into the heart of the earthquake disaster zone in Southern Turkey to serve and share the gospel in the Middle East! They will be working with local believers and small bodies of Christians to disciple and care for new believers.
Please pray for our team - they will literally be risking their lives on this mission.
My faith is being tested. I’m so weary. But I will continue to trust in God. I get put down and harassed by fellow christians for sharing my testimony. I only share for prayers and encouragement. Please pray for me. Since covid I fell on a terrible hardship, like many others. I lost my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my health conditions. I suffer from lupus, and heart disease. I’m now waitressing but not making nearly enough to get by. I’m a single mom, my husband is with God. My children are autistic and non verbal, I’m overwhelmed because they demand so much from me. I recently started homeschooling them because they were having so many issues in school. I’m tired of struggling every month. I’m striving to afford the tools I need to homeschool my children but I’m falling short. But I trust in you Jesus even as I struggle providing groceries for my family I’m ashamed. I feel like a failure. Jesus hear my prayers. Prayers are all I need. Thank you Lord! I know you will provide! Faith over fear!
We pray for Tina and Vera, for healing from cancer as they are undergoing chemo.
Please be covering my niece in prayer. Her ex-boyfriend took his life a few days ago. He called her right before he did it. She has been receiving texts telling her that she should be ashamed of herself for killing him, and she is taking that on thinking that if she had been a better girlfriend it wouldn't have happened. She is 16 he was 18
July 18-procedure to harvest serum t cells-4 to 6 weeks to re-engineer t cells-when done infusion of new t cells requiring hospitalization-possibly a couple weeks of adverse side effects-then a return to health for an enduring remission
Pray for my finances and healing n my body. Thanks
I'm asking for prayer for myself. I find myself twisted up in a mess because I did what the Lord requires us to do and to tell the truth about wrong doings. Elderly abuse and financial crimes.
I did just that. And because I did the right thing I am being evicted from my apartment and will be homeless in 6 days.
I am asking the Lord for open doors and four financial provisions to take care of me and my dog Nyla.
Witchcraft deliverence I'm heavily attacked by Witchcraft
We pray for the protection of all innocent people living in Israel, regardless of their ethnicity or faith.
We pray that the Israeli leadership is graced with wisdom and courage to respond well rather than react foolishly.
We pray that the U.S. government supports wise decisions that serve for peace and Israel’s good rather than pressuring Israel to cave into global political interests.
As we prepare to move into our new home, join us in prayer for the needs before us.
With a bigger space comes a greater need for servant leaders to help us fully occupy our new God-given territory. Pray for wisdom on how to share His love with our new neighbors.
Pray for the permit required to properly install the internet. This is crucial to export the prayer room globally.
Ask God for the name of someone that you can invite to partner with us.
Join us in giving thanks for all of the permits we have received so far!
Pray for partnerships with existing ministries in the area to continue building the Kingdom of God in South Dallas.
The upcoming monthly intentions are as follows:
January: For a greater trust in God's plan
February: For a greater purity of heart
March: For the conversion of humanity
April: For a greater trust in God’s mercy
May: To grow in our love for Mary
Monthly Prayer Intentions for Courage and EnCourage
The upcoming monthly intentions are as follows:
June: For our Courage and EnCourage chaplains
July: To deepen the gift of friendship
Jerry, who is a family member of our ministry staff - RIGHT NOW is being put into an induced coma at 11am EST.
His family has all been called in "to say good-bye to him" - but we are standing in prayer that he will NOT die, and that God will supernaturally clean out all of the fluids in his lungs, heal his pancreas, and gallbladder and other organs that are being affected.
Suddenly 10 hours ago, Jerry had a terrible pain in his stomach, and it seems that once the doctors started treating him, it caused other problems.
TOB Synagogue, Please command healing in the name of Yeshua that his lungs, pancreas, gallbladder and every organ will be healed in the name of the Father (YHVH), the Messiah (Yeshua) and by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) and for God to send his Healing Angels - that we will see God's mighty hand at work.
Thank you.
Thank you! It means the world to me that your prayers are with me! I’ll be praying for you as well! We all could use prayer in something in our lives. I have a prodigal son out there who needs prayers, too! I’m heartbroken for him, and as a mom, I can only say so much. He’s a grown man. Please have a very beautiful, blessed day today!️
We have introduced a new opportunity for our members to be united in prayer this year. We invite you to pray each month for a specific intention related to our apostolate. We encourage you to consider praying for these intentions at your local Courage and EnCourage chapter meetings.
The upcoming monthly intentions are as follows:
August: For our EnCourage members
September: For our Courage members
October: That we may be faithful witnesses of the Gospel
I ask for conversion, blessings, salvation, and peace of mind for my mother and the Fiori family.
Give Marjiana blessings, prosperity in her Duga business, and your understanding.
I ask that Anna and Wainer may have a deep encounter with you along their path in life and please sanctify their union.
Give Derrick wisdom and bless Misty with your care.
Grant healing of body and mind to Francesca. May she come to experience your love for her and may she find salvation.
Grant Lucio the desire of his heart and save the baby.
Grant Seamus and Michael et al to find direction and wisdom in their path to integrity and chastity.
Convert and grant salvation to the members of Spectra. Make yourself found to them who seek you there.
May Julie find wisdom and peace of mind.
Give Marjiana peace, wisdom, and prosperity.
What may very well be the most well-known Bible verse begins with this phrase, "For God so love THE WORLD..." (John 3:16). This claim of God's expansive and inclusive love is a source of hope and comfort. Every living soul is an expression of our heavenly Father's creative power and intention.
With this in mind, I invite you to join me today in praying that the Arab nations would come to realize that they have inheritance and a future through the God of Israel and His chosen King—Messiah Yeshua! Let's echo the cry of our father (by faith) Abraham: “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!” (Genesis 17:18 NKJV).
I pray for guidance for Elisa as she navigates through this season of singleness in her life, leading her to the true knowledge of You.
Assist James and Paige in salvaging their marriage and in getting to know You, Jesus.
Give Brian peace of mind and an encounter with you.
My friend Carolyn:
Please keep my nephew in prayer. Caleb age ten. Has a blood clot in his lung 😞
Marjiana is recovering from spine surgery, very painful. We pray for speedy recovery.
Filming is often portrayed as downright glamorous, but trust us: it is
work. Pray for the energy and focus that’s needed for everyone to put
in their best effort on the daily. Ask for the kind of health that’s needed
for long days — and the kind of safety that’s needed for difficult (even
dangerous) scenes. Seek wisdom, creativity, and problem-solving skills
on behalf of everyone who’s behind every scene being filmed. And don’t
forget about all the work that’s needed when a full season’s been shot!
Pray for everyone who works tirelessly to polish each episode for release,
from our film editors to those gifted at sound engineering and editing to
the musicians who make each scene quite literally sing.
Filming isn’t just work; it’s expensive work. Pray that God would move
in such a way that people all over the world would be inspired to keep
doing what they’ve done since the earliest days of The Chosen: bring what
‘loaves and fish’ they have, so that each new Season can be brought to
life. Ask God to provide rich wisdom for above-reproach stewardship of
all the gifts that come our way.
In John 14:6, Jesus tells us, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one
comes to the Father except through me.” Pray that through a good and
beautiful production of this series, people might be pointed to the one
through whom they can draw near to the Father.
Take a moment to give thanks for the heavy-but-holy work of each of
our translators. Pray that they might continue to sense and even experience God’s presence as they work, that they might be emboldened and
encouraged to continue. And because many of the men and women
who are translating The Chosen are working in difficult, even dangerous
conditions — because some of them face persecution or the threat of
imprisonment simply for being involved — ask God to provide physical
and spiritual protection for them, for their families, and for the communities in which they live and serve.
Remember: translation is more than just ‘swapping out’ a handful of
English words for those that are Hindi or Malagasy. It’s about conveying
the message in a way that connects with different cultures and diverse
hearts. Ask God to provide wisdom, creativity, and spiritual insight for
each of our translators as they ensure every scene in each episode of
The Chosen speaks the truth clearly and cogently.
In Romans 10:14, Paul writes, “How can they believe in the one of whom
they have not heard?” Spend some time to thank God that more are
hearing about the One who saves. Thank him that at the point of our
writing this, over 50 language communities are already hearing the story
of Jesus as it’s being told through The Chosen — a world-wide record for
the translation of media entertainment — and that in the wake of their
hearing, many are believing.
For The Chosen to make its way into every corner of the world, there has
to be several open doors — which are almost always the result of open
minds. Pray that the minds of the political and cultural gatekeepers of
the world might be opened to the base benefits of allowing in a media
project marked by goodness. And to aid in the opening of minds, ask
God to help international church communities identify ways they can be
“salt of the earth” to catch the eye of the gatekeepers.
At the time of our writing this, we’ve established local licensing partnerships with 50,000 churches who want to use The Chosen in their
evangelistic and discipleship efforts. Through our partnership with Cru,
hundreds of college campuses have hosted Chosen watch parties. And
we’ve not even gotten to the hundreds of thousands of people impacted
through our partnerships with Prison Fellowship International, The Bible
Project, and YouVersion. Pray that God might move to establish even
more partnerships, because it means even more people are experiencing
the story of Jesus.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 reminds us that “two are better than one, because they
have a good return for their labor.” Thank God for the partnerships that
have made Come and See “two,” rather than just “one.” And go on and
thank him in anticipation of even more duos that will expand the reach
of this series, allowing it to change hearts across the globe.
Every episode is an opportunity for someone to encounter Jesus in a
new way. Pray for the hearts and minds of every viewer to be open, from
the opening credits to the end. Ask that they wouldn’t just be entertained,
but that they would come face-to-face with the loving truth of what God
has done, is doing, and will do through Jesus. Seek God’s power to knock
down walls of fear, unbelief, and hard-heartedness, allowing room for
faith to rise up.
We not only want faith to rise up in viewers, but faithfulness, too — for
people to start to follow Jesus and his way and to continue in their
following. Pray that the resources we are producing with partners like
Cru, The Bible Project, and YouVersion, will help people continue to grow
as disciples long after the last credit rolls, deepening their understanding
of Jesus’s life and mission.
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God.” That’s from 1 John 3:1 — and that’s exactly what we
hope people come and see through The Chosen. Because if they do, it
can transform them from the inside out. Take a moment to simply pray,
“God, may all come and see through the story of Jesus as it’s being told
through The Chosen that this is the height and depth of your love: that
they are your children.”
I want to share. 2024, was an extremely hard year, filled with many medical issues for me. Seems 2025, may be a challenge as well. The strain of the year brought me closer to God and closer to others who needed me. I am asking our Heavenly Father to guide me on His path for me. Please give our Pastor George, the strength he needs this year. I personally ask to bless him for all the kindness he has shown to me and others in our ministry. Thank You Heavenly Father for loving us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Please God get me through this illness and restore my health. Please let me sleep at night. Please look after the people concerned about me. Thank You. Amen.
I have a pastor who's a friend of mine. He is having open heart surgery tomorrow. Please keep him in prayer.
Please let us pray. Urgent prayer request. “Pray for the Church in India. Last night they burned 20 churches. And tonight they want to destroy over 200 churches in "Olisabang Province". They want to kill 200 missionaries in the next 24 hours. All the Christians are hiding in the villages.. .. Pray for them and send this message to all the Christians you know in the world Ask God to have mercy on our brothers and sisters in India "When you receive this message, please send it urgently to others. . We pray for the 22 Christian missionary families sentenced to death by Islamists in Afghanistan. Please PASS as soon as possible so that many may join in the prayer!!!