Spiritual Frienship


Aelred of Rievaulx’s reflections and guidelines on Spiritual Friendship are more pertinent today than ever. At a time when human love in all its aspects has been trivialized and de-sacralised when the pleasure principle is given priority and recreational sex is commonplace, he emphasizes the demands that authentic love makes. Christian relationships are demanding and his criteria could be helpful for those responding to the call to Christian marriage, those engaged in chaste same-sex relationships, and those endeavoring to revitalize the Christian sense of community. These are the kinds of relationships exemplified in the lives of men and women of God such as David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, Frances de Sales and Jeanne de Chantal, Clare and Francis of Assisi, John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila.  Aelred’s treatise On Spiritual Friendship is a spiritual classic because it has something to say to every age in need of establishing Christ-centred relationships, whether inside or outside of marriage, as well as those in irregular relationships.
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