Explore the significance of Israel's Third Temple in biblical prophecy and its relevance to our faith. Join us in uncovering the deeper meaning behind this monumental structure.




Our Theology



The Church is the Third Temple built on Yeshua (Jesus) as the cornerstone. We do not formally endorse the view of a future third temple building - nor do we oppose it. Should that be the case, this building would not replace the Church as the real Third Temple, where both the Twelve Tribes of Israel and all nations are gathering together under the God of Israel (Rev 7). 


Yeshua will come back with the clouds onto the Mount of Olives, visibly, for everyone to see. He will then reign from Jerusalem. The two witnesses that prepare the way are identified as the Spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17) and Miriam, the mother of Yeshua (Revelation 12) – just as it was for his first coming. Today we are familiar with phenomena such as Spiritual Revivals in both Protestant and Catholic traditions, as well as reports of Marian apparitions in both Catholic and Orthodox traditions. These would serve as evidence for the two witnesses of Revelation. 


We now have a new Temple priesthood that overshadows the Aaronic priesthood of the Kohanim. By baptism, we are all sharers in the new order of Melchizedek. However, to officially wield this priesthood, one must be formally ordained either as a priest or pastor in any expression of the Church. While there are many claiming authority over the Church, we only formally recognize Yeshua as our High Priest, who has been governing from the right hand of Adonai ever since his Ascension on the 40th day of the Omer.


Yeshua's second coming will be preceded by an illumination of consciences, a great worldwide miracle, and a great tribulation. Then the end of the ages will come (Revelation 8).


We take no official position on pre- or post-millenarism. The Millenial Kingdom refers to the time of the Church as the primary means of building the Messianic kingdom, whether this takes place before or after the Second Coming. The ecumenical movement, coupled with the restoration of a New Jerusalem as the headquarters of the Church, constitutes the rebuilding of the Temple after the time of desecration, viz the dismantling of Christendom, beginning with the dawn of the French Revolution, and the extermination of the Jews (Matthew 24:15-31). The 'rapture' has been taking place since the assumption into heaven in the body of Enoch and Elijah, and the same has been applied to many other partakers of this first resurrection, both in biblical and dispensational ages (Revelation 20:5-6). This potentially includes many characters of the Bible that had proximity to Yeshua (Matthew 27:52). A more specific Messianic reading of the Millenial kingdom is possible from a traditional Jewish perspective. The Midrash Pirkei De Rabbi Eliezer states: There is a universally acknowledged belief in Judaism that the Messiah must come by the seventh millennium. The Messiah can come earlier, but not later. Each day of creation prophetically points to one millennium, which is based on Psalm 90:4. The Messianic kingdom is known as 'the time that is all Shabbat,' for the world will enter a time of shalom. We are now over the Hebrew year of 5780. That time is close at hand. 


The four senses of Scripture is a four-level method of interpreting the Bible. In Christianity, the four senses are literal, allegorical, tropological (moral), and anagogical. In Kabbalah, the four meanings of the biblical texts are literal, allusive, allegorical, and mystical. A literal interpretation of the Millennial Kingdom prophecy does not necessarily exclude the other three. Furthermore, Hebrew is a numeric language. The Tanakh points to two different comings of the Messiah: one as the Son of Joseph (the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53) and one as the Son of David (the Shiloh prophecy). The numeric value of Messiah, Son of Joseph is 566, whereas the numeric value of Messiah, Son of David is 434. The value of the 1000 years (= 566 + 434) is the presence of Yeshuah himself! 


We are now living in a time of struggle with the great dragon, his beast, and his false prophet – a time often referred to as the 'age of Anti-Christ,' a short period when Satan would be let loose to try to deceive the nations once again. As a result, the mark of the beast that many are being sealed with is the manipulation of minds by aggressive secularism, atheism, LGBT ideology* and a direct attack on human sexuality as the primary attempt to destroy society.^ Having man been created on the 6th day of the week, 666 refers to a trinity of men, viz the ultimate systematic rejection of God (Revelation 13:18).



Israel’s national repentance and confession that Yeshua is Messiah is deeply connected to Yeshua's second coming, just as the Great Commission refers to the message of salvation through the God of Israel being extended to all Gentiles. Yeshua will not return until the leaders in Jerusalem acknowledge him as Messiah according to Psalm 118:26 and the Gospel is preached globally.


Last, but not least, we adamantly reject Replacement Theology and believe that Adonai is fulfilling all the promises made to the chosen people - evidence of which is the newly formed State of Israel.


* LGBT persons have all our respect and pastoral support.

^ Check Theology of the Body for a better understanding of the divine plan for human sexuality.




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