Welcome to our Theology of the Body Synagogue (aka TOBChurch), a twofold community of faith: Gentile Protestant & Messianic Jewish, in friendly cooperation with Catholic programs for outreach, pastoral care and Theology of the Body formation.
Our Protestant Church
For those not as familiar with the term Protestant, Protestantism is a type of Christianity born out of a movement of church reform that began in northern Europe in the early 16th century.
Christian traditions, from the oldest to the youngest, are: Eastern Orthodoxy, Arianism, Celtic Christianity, Oriental Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Sedevacantism*, Protestantism, Mar Thoma Christianity, Old Catholicism and Independent Catholicism. A Protestant is an adherent of those Christian denominations that separated from the Church of Rome during the Reformation over the controversy of the sales of indulgences.
Protestants agree on salvation by grace through faith alone into good works, where our good works are not a means but evidence of our salvation. Our major denominational families are: Seventh-Day Adventists, Amish/Anabaptists, Anglicans/Episcopalians, Salvation Army, Baptists, Calvinists/Reformed, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodists, Moravians, Plymouth Brethren, Presbyterians, Quakers, Pentecostals, Messianic Jews & Gentiles Christians, Mar Thoma, Waldensians, etc. Most of us are commonly referred to as evangelical Christians, and, while diverging on non-fundamental theological opinions, all Protestants agree on the doctrine of the Trinity as well as the divinity, incarnation and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most scholars would agree that the Protestant Reformation was an attempt to bring the Church back to the purity of the gospel, as expressed in the first centuries of Roman persecutions until the forming of ancient Celtic Christianity in opposition to the Constantinian Church (both Roman and Byzantine). Thus, all our denominations form a single Church unity where we accept differences of opinions that do not differ from aforementioned fundamental doctrines. The Anglican Communion acts as 'Via Media' between Catholics and Protestants, as it maintains within itself three overlapping traditions: Anglo-Catholic, both charismatic and conservative evangelical, and liberal. All Protestant denominations have one of three church government styles: Congregationalist, Presbyterian and Episcopal - although at times even these styles tend to overlap each other.
Origins of Protestantism
Early Reformation movements characterize the emergence of various points of discontent towards the established church, such as the suppression of genuine expressions of Christian faith by the Roman Church in the British Isles. And this led to what became then known as Magisterial and Radical Protestantism. It was later on followed by the American Great Awakening.
Arianism & (Neo-)Gnosticism
Arianism, an ancient antitrinitarian movement condemned by the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, still exists to our present day known as Jehovah's Witnesses (aka Bible Students), and Christadelphians. Similarly, Neo-Gnosticism is primarily expressed today as Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormons), who base their beliefs on another gnostic testament of Jesus Christ, recorded in the Book of Mormon. The only ancient Gnostic group that has survived to thee days is known as St John's Christians (aka Mandaeans or Sabaeans), and they practise the baptism of John the Baptist, and do not recognize Jesus as Messiah. Two other modern day Neo-Gnostic groups are Scientology and Christian Science.
* Although some Sedevacantist denominations are of recent formation (ex: the 'Palmerian Church' or the 'Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem') and most of them contest papal authority at various recent ages, this phenomenon factually began in 1378 with the Schism of the Western Church, hence before the Protestant Reformation. Sedevacantism differs from Protestantism on how we view the role of the Bishop of Rome and the teaching authority of Western church tradition.
Our Statement of Faith
Our community is a Christian online church that, while keeping our Protestant identity, embraces the message of late pope John Paul II known as Theology of the Body. This was a series of lectures given in Vatican City during his early pontificate that takes roots from a biblical and eschatological vision of human sexuality. Our theology holds on to the tenets of the Nicene Creed as well as the five sola of Martin Luther's teaching (sola fide, sola gratia, sola scriptura, solus Christus, soli Deo Gloria) and the TULIP Calvinistic concept of predestination (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints). We welcome Arminian and Unitarian Protestants, provided they honour our theology.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission as an online church is to provide evangelical Christians with a like-minded Christian fellowship where a redemptive approach to sexual purity is fostered, exploring the true meaning of sex and marriage, and offering a compelling vision of what it means to be created male and female. Equal attention is given to the fact that some Christians are not showing up at our churches because of a perceived repressive message on human sexuality. We intend to provide them with the assistance and care they need by means of an ongoing pastoral formation on Theology of the Body in a supportive and loving environment.
Our History
Our community was birthed during the Covid-19 pandemic to break isolation among Protestant students from the Theology of the Body Institute. Dr Christopher West, President of the Institute, had authored Our Bodies Tell God's Story, a Protestant approach to the Theology of the Body. This gave us the idea to start monthly bible studies, which then developed into an organized online church. In terms of government and church authority, we have chosen a congregationalist model - i.e. while maintaining independent jurisdiction as a church community, we are able to choose which network we wish to be part of and whom to refer to as elders or spiritual leaders. We have chosen to partner with TURN [The UPPERROOM Network], whose message also focuses on our heavenly wedding with the Lamb and pastoral outreach to the sexually broken and marginalized. UPPERROOM is led by Pastor Michael Miller (senior pastor, based in Dallas). We also partner with Theology of the Body Institute for theological formation and with The Chosen Team for pastoral outreach. Additionally, we have developed a program of Church History, in partnership with Church History Institute, to build a common bond of unity among Christians.
Please join our fellowship. You can connect with us by joining one of our ministries. These range from social media groups, to free formation courses, Saturday socials and Sunday services.
We love you!
Our hope is that, as you navigate through our website, you will find a way to dive into this beautiful message and that you will be able to discover God's passionate love for you, stronger than death itself (Song of Solomon 8:6).
Meetings & Services
1st Wednesday: Course on Theology of the Human Body @ 5pm EST - 10pm UK
2nd Wednesday: Course on Christian History @ 5pm EST - 10pm UK
3rd Wednesday: Course on Theology of the Body with Dr Christopher West @ 5pm EST - 10pm UK
4th Wednesday: Bible Study on Theology of the Body for Protestants @ 5pm EST - 10pm UK
Thanksgiving Vigil: Made4More Service @ 5pm EST - 10pm UK
Reformation Day: Documentary on the Protestant Reformation @ TBC
Christmas Day: King's Speech @ 3pm EST - 8pm UK
Good Friday: Bible Study before Shabbat Service @ 1.30pm EST - 6.30pm UK
Saturday: The Chosen Movie @ 3pm EST - 8pm UK, followed by bible study
Sunday Morning: Worship Service @ 10.50am EST - 3.50pm UK
Sunday Evening: Worship Service @ 5.50pm EST - 10.50pm UK
Every Other Sunday: Sunday School @ 2.30pm EST - 7.30pm UK
Pastoral Counseling: Available by arrangement
Baptism: Available by arrangement
Baby Dedication: Available by arrangement
August: No weekday meetings
Our Venue
Join us at...
Church ID: 526 889 6520
Passcode: 989571

Our Ordinances
Our ordinances are Baptism and the Eucharist, and we regard marriage as a great mystery divinely ordained and pointing to our eternal union with God in Christ (Eph 5:31-32). We also honor celibacy for the kingdom as an alternative calling to marriage, living out firsthand the foretaste of the eternal reality of the heavenly marriage.
Luther and the Jews: As a community of both Messianic Jews and Gentile Protestants, we cannot ignore Luther's embarrassing shortcomings towards our fellow Jews; yet, nor can we disregard his legacy in the Reformation, which has paved the way for an unadulterated Gospel to both Jews and Gentiles today, We feel our TOBChurch has a vital role to play in the much needed process of repentance and forgiveness not only between Protestants and Catholics, but also between Christians and Jews, in order for God's Kingdom to be fulfilled through a unified, reconciled, Universal and Messianic Church.